Thursday, January 28

Why I Decided to Write

Last week I was speaking with a good friend and he suggested that I start blogging. He wasn't the first to suggest it but for some reason it gave me reason to pause and really consider doing it. Maybe it was the fact that I was bored or perhaps  I felt like I wanted to be productive on some level. I've never really been the type to consistently keep a log or journal of anything but I figured what he said might just be a good idea. See, I have a ridiculous amount of information/random thoughts/feelings/general words floating around in my head; I figure some of them are worth sharing.

That said, expect to read my random musings, poems, responses to things read and the like on here. I'll try to refrain from ranting but at some point I'm bound to go on a tangent. It's my nature to go on rabbit trails about things that piss me off from time to time.

I figure that's enough of an introduction. Maybe next time I'll explain the blog's title.
