Thursday, September 29

Pregnant with Vision

Praise God for vision kicking at the walls of your spirit. Much like a child in the womb one needs to feel the vision moving to know all is well.

Monday, September 26

My Sissy is Getting Married

So I fail...kinda epically. I realized that it's been over a month since I've posted but you know what? Life happens sometimes.

I'm sitting in my office, looking at the week ahead of me and can say that my heart is so incredibly full right now. By week's end, one of my best friends in the world is going to get married to a dear, dear man. She is not the first of my friends to get married by any means but somehow this time it feels different. Earlier today I shared this with her and explained that with anyone else I would think "Awww, that's sweet", go about my business and celebrate with them on their special day. With Beks, I've found myself on the verge of tears from my heart abounding with love and happiness for her and her husband to be. I wish I had words enough to fully articulate my emotions but the best way I can put it is like this. There are times in life where God allows us to enter into deep, meaningful relationship with people. You share in the pain, stresses and trials that life has to offer but there are those beautiful times where you experience joy so unfathomable you find yourself busting at the seams with emotion and elation. This is one of those times for me.

Being an only child, I cannot say that I have siblings bore of flesh. However God, in all his infinite grace, has given me sisters bore of His spirit who have, multiplied blessing after blessing in my life. I am so honored and humbled that on Saturday I will have the privilege of standing with my sister Bekuh as she enters into the covenant relationship that is reflective of God's union with his people. On that day (and the days proceeding), I will give thanks to God for bringing her to this new place in her life that is ripe with promise and possibility.