Monday, December 5

Marriage, Engagements and Babies - Oh My!

'Tis the season to be married, fa la la la la la la la UGH!!!

My intention has been to write this posting for some time but life happens and honestly I don't much like tinkering with my computer after work. Fast forward a couple of months and insert a FULL weekend at home (I'm talking Thurs to Sun baby!) and here we are...

Before I delve into this, I'd like to note I am not bitter, just hyper aware.

Is it just me or is everyone married, getting married or in possession of a child they took some part in creating. Maybe I missed the memo here. When did we all start coupling up and engaging in procreation. I look around and it seems like more and more people are entering cuffing seasons of permanent proportions. I'm all for marriage, I even look forward to it someday BUT it feels like I'm watching a tidalwave of it going down. The time of the year sorta dictates what I'm seeing: colder months mean proposals and heat brings the weddings.

I am totally happy for couples who have been through the fire and been in deep committed relationship for longer than 7 minutes (or a year or two whatev lol) and then, after seeking counsel and committing themselves to prayer decide to get hitched. However, I would be lying if I said I didn't in some sense side eye people who appear to rush into marriage. This is arguably the biggest decision one will ever make and to commit a person in less time than your Fantasy (whatever) League takes to finish is a problem. Yes, you have the rest of your life to get to know each other but time allows for things to surface that may make you reconsider enmeshing your life with that person. And lets not talk about adding a small person to the mix...that in itself is a lil bundle of (insert word choice here).

Personally, I'm down with a 3-5 year relationship plan but who knows what will actually go down. I'm currently alternating between wondering why the hell everyone is getting hitched and (not so) secretly wondering when my day will come. God is in control but I sort of wish this wasn't happening in mass. I suppose that's the funness of being in your 20's, a bunch of life's major decisions seemingly sucker punch you and the people you love.

Aside from my personally not being on the ring, wedded bliss and/or spawn kick, I think my greatest challenge with all this is its not my MO right now. Would a relationship be nice? Sure, with the right person. But to be honest, I'm content right now with my job that pays peanuts and allows me the freedom to chase what I love. I'm content with walking down a flight of steps and getting face time with my dad. I'm content with doing whatever, whenever because I felt like it and I don't have any real sense of responsibility in relation to another person or set of people. I'm content with being young and single.

God bless all who are entering new seasons in your lives; when I remember I will pray for you cause the new territories come with new anxieties. As for me, I will thank Sweet Baby Jesus for where I am in life right now and rest in the awesome that is my singleness.